Archive | March, 2009

Sonshine Soccer

31 Mar
Button Boy

Button Boy

This week Girly Girl & Button Boy began their very first week of soccer practice!  We have not played an organized sport yet, mainly because I wasn’t ready to commit them to anything too competitive while they were so young.  This year, that changed.  Girly Girl is ready to be a part of a team and Button Boy just needs to run and run a lot! 

Frazer UMC sponsors Sonshine Soccer during the spring and fall every year.  The ages are 4 – 12.  They have one practice and one game per week…so, it seems perfect for our first attempt!  Button Boy had his practice first…he is one of the older kids on his co-ed team.  He really enjoyed running around after the soccer ball, kicking it around, and he listened to his coach very well!  I was very proud of his first practice!…and he was so pooped afterward!


Button Boy - stretching

Button Boy - stretching

Button Boy - kickin' it!

Button Boy - kickin' it!

Girly Girl’s practice was immediately after Button Boy’s, just on a different field.  Button Boy is young enough to where he is playing on a “half-field” and Girly Girl is on one of the “full-fields”….they are not professional regulation size, but big enough!  I think that Girly Girl was a little intimidated at her practice for several reasons….she was the smallest child out there size wise, she may have even been the youngest, but I’m not sure….and she didn’t know much about soccer except that you kick the ball while running and try to get it into the goal.  So, when her coach began talking about positions and spacing on the field — she began to panic a little.  But from the sideline, we reassured her (not only did Mojo and I go to their first practices, but so did Grandmommy & Granddaddy!) that we would explain the game to her in more detail during the upcoming week so she would understand more…she then relaxed — and had fun!!!!

Tiny Girly Girl

Tiny Girly Girl

Girly Girl - kickin it!

Girly Girl - kickin it!

Button Boy’s coach had a devotion after their practice, and Girly Girl’s coach spent their break talking to the kids about what he expected from them.  During half-time of the games, they will have a devotion, and I’m not sure who leads those devotions, but I am looking forward to seeing God glorified during these upcoming weeks!
We have practices & games over the next 6 weeks or so….I will be posting some pictures as the season goes on!  I am really excited about this soccer season and hope the kids have fun, too!
Girly Girl -- waiting

Girly Girl -- waiting


Menu Planning Monday

30 Mar

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday

I ♥ Menu Planning!   

I am having bunches and bunches of fun finding new recipes and getting out some old stand-bys.  This past week, I struggled with feeling well and adding soccer practice on Tuesday evening.  It is amazing, though, how relaxed I am about my evenings when I know what I have planned for my meals during the week!  I am flexible enough that I can not fix a meal that was planned for one day, and move it to another…or leave it to be used the next week….which is what happened the last two weeks with the recipe for 20 Clove Garlic Chicken….I am absolutely determined to get it made this week!  If I have to jump through hoops to have it happen…I want to cook it!!!

I am finding more and more recipes that I am wanting to cook and try.  My sister-in-law has started posting her Menu Plans….and she has found some terrific sounding recipes, and in the upcoming weeks I hope to try them.  KB‘s plan every week includes some baking — you know bread, sweets, and even pasta!  I am gradually trying to add some baking to my week, but haven’t gotten all of the necessary supplies (a whisk for my Kitchen Aid mixer — and a new paddle for it, maybe even a dough hook!).  I also don’t have all the spices that I want or any yeast…but it will gradually come…and hopefully soon, I’ll be baking away!

So, onto my Menu Plan for this week.  It is simple, mainly because I haven’t been feeling 100% and I don’t know what the week will hold in regards to my health.

Friday — Grill Night CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER & NOT FEELING WELL.  The kiddos stayed with my parents for the evening…Mojo had dry Cheerios (ugh)…and I sipped a Coca-Cola.

A Southern Classic

A Southern Classic

Saturday — Glazed Ham, homemade Mac-N-Cheese (a new recipe)

Sunday — Leftover ham & mac-n-cheese

**baking plan for Sunday — New Potatoes in Creamy Dill Sauce, homemade chicken salad for the week

Monday — 20 Clove Garlic Chicken, roasted carrots (one of Girly Girl’s new favorites!)

Tuesday — SOCCER PRACTICE PICNIC NIGHT! — sandwiches & potato salad (made Sunday)

Wednesday — Picnic Night before Church — sandwiches with chips & cookies

Thursday — Pork Chop Stuffing Bake

Friday — Grill Night!!!  Brats & Dawgs Night **leftover from last week**



Spread the Love!

28 Mar

This past week during my “roaming” around Menu Planning Monday, I decided that I would begin reading blogs that were close to the end of the “Mr. Linky” that Organizing Junkie posts. 

BusyJulie was link number 383. 

I *love* going through other Menu Plans and seeing what other mom’s are coming up with for their family, and honestly, I’m not all that good at leaving comments…., but for the first time, I tried to leave comments on most posts that I went to — because as a fellow Bloggityville, USA-er, I ♥ comments!  They are fun to recieve….just like a gift!  To know that someone you don’t know is coming and reading about me, my life, and my family…to know the struggles that I face, and to even pray for me, without knowing me! 

Come to find out, through a comment from BusyJulie, 5 Minutes for Mom is holding a “Carnival of Loyal Commenters” every Friday….and BusyJulie blessed me with her award for being her 1st commenter!  I’ve never won a blog award of any kind!  I have really never thought about it, but I am glad that I commented on her Menu Plan.  I didn’t realize I was her first commenter, but I remember visiting her blog and Menu Plan — because she struggles, like I do, to incorporate veggies! 

Thanks BusyJulie!  I will be a regular visitor *and* commenter!  I challenge everyone to comment at least once a day on someone else’s blog….


  ♥♥ spread the love! ♥♥

5 Minutes for Mom

5 Minutes for Mom



26 Mar
Drama Girl & Button Boy, Original

Drama Girl & Button Boy, Original

Drama Girl & Button Boy PhotoShop 1

Drama Girl & Button Boy PhotoShop 1

Drama Girl & Button Boy, PhotoShop 2

Drama Girl & Button Boy, PhotoShop 2

Menu Plan

23 Mar
Menu Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday

Friday — Grill Out Night, we had Hardin’s steaks, Kelley’s Cheese Biscuits, &  twice baked potatoes

Saturday — We “fended for ourselves”….the kids had Mac -N- Cheese

Sunday — San Marcos Mexican

Monday — Homemade Baked Ziti with Parmesan Cracker recipe from last week

Tuesday — 20 Clove Garlic Chicken <hold over from last week> **we now have at least one soccer practice on Tuesday nights, so this will be a Slow Cooker Day**

Wednesday — **NEW**  Picnic Night  — with having an egg allergy, it is much easier to not reserve a dinner at church, and with the beautiful weather, we have decided to meet with the “D” family for a picnic every Wednesday night for the next few weeks and enjoy the weather and fellowship!

Thursday — Ham Steak & Mac-N-Cheese (a different recipe from two weeks ago, I’m trying to find the perfect recipe to have as *my* signature recipe — making it my own!)

Friday — GRILL NIGHT —  Brats & Dawgs…and hopefully some company!

Lunches — flat bread sandwiches with ham & cheese, and probably some chicken salad as a good twist!

Breakfasts — sausage & egg biscuits for Mojo — biscuits for kiddos!