Archive | March, 2010

Getting ready for the upcoming months…

31 Mar

Back in February we were trying to remember all of the doctor’s that Button Boy has seen since his 5 week Upper GI.  Filling out the paperwork for Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital CCED clinic…its is an overwhelming 15 pages long!….and we are trying to not only remember precise dates, procedures and doctor’s names (that we saw once).  It just is a lot to remember….I have already had to rewrite it twice because I’ve recalled 2 doctor’s names!!!!

I hope to begin the process with the CCED tomorrow.  I will hopefully fax over our 15 pages, and then begin on getting Button Boy’s Medical Records sent to the clinic.  We have been told to expect it to take a month or so to hear back about acceptance and appointment times.

I will be updating my blog with how we are doing on the Elimination Diet and how things are going in the wait for Cincinnati!

Keep checking in!!!!