Archive | July, 2011

The Latest in Our EoE World

19 Jul

Button Boy had his quarterly EGD at the end of June.  This time we only had to travel to Birmingham to have it performed instead of Cincinnati, OH.  It was definitely easier on us!!  Button Boy still had anxiety about it, but I mean, really, who doesn’t get anxious when you are having any procedure done.  The major problem was that we could not find Spike the Strong and Courageous Rhino.  Spike was a gift from the Child Life Specialist at Children’s in Birmingham before one of Button Boy’s procedures…he was quite anxious, didn’t want to take his Versed and was crying….the Child Life Specialist came in with Spike and told Button Boy that Spike had enough courage and strength for both of them…and Spike has been in every procedure and doctor’s appointment since….until this one.  We had a lot of tears over not being able to locate Spike, but luckily we were able to find Jungle, the steadfast and diligent monkey.  Jungle was happy to pinch hit for Spike!!  Thank goodness!!!

The pictures from this EGD are very promising.  They show absolutely no furrows and no thickening!!!  We should have the biopsy results back any day — we are very hopeful that they still show ZERO Eosiniphils…if that is the case, we will add back egg to Button Boy’s diet.  That means he can have waffles, pancakes, scrambled eggs, cake, cupcakes, brownies, cheesecake….do I need to go on????  He has missed so many foods over the last year and three months, but I wouldn’t change a thing if it means we have some answers as to what may be causing his eating/feeding issues….that has been a lifelong struggle for him.

Baby steps are what we are willing to take if we have to….we do whatever we have to while making sure Button Boy is getting the food he can have and the nutrition he needs!!!!!

Boys Will Be Boys

16 Jul

Button Boy has a best friend.  I have blogged about his family before.  They are a military family that were stationed here in Montgomery while the dad was in school at Maxwell AFB.  From the moment the two boys met, they were inseparable!

Button Boy had his last Endoscope in Cincinnati on March 21st.  Because of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, and *mostly* because of the Nuclear Reactor problems and possibilities of radiation in the food or milk, this family decided to come back to the states for a while.  We are not sure how long they will be in the states, but how fortunate that they were right off of I-65, which is the way we go to and from Cincinnati! <since writing this and seeing the Jean family, they have returned to Japan, but I still wanted to post this, it just took a lot longer to play with the pictures!!!>

We stopped and visited the Jean Farm.  It is such a lovely place!  22 acres of beautiful land that Mr. Jean, at the age of 86, tends to.  He has made additions to the family homestead as needed….it is so much fun to walk through and see what he has done with his own two hands!  He is now in the process of constructing an Arbor House with no help…or very little help!

When the Jean’s left Montgomery, Button Boy and Best Buddy Boy said that they would always be best friends.  We Skype every once in a while and the boys love it!  Of course, in these types of friendships you never know when you will see someone again, but you keep a special place in your heart for them.  But, seeing the boys together again after being apart for so long just reaffirmed to me that these boys **will** be friends forever!

The Jean’s have now returned to Japan, and unfortunately,  our schedule did not allow us to get to Kentucky again before they left, but I have no doubt that we will see them again!!!  The Jean family, Bert & Laura, and the kids have made a special place in our hearts.  Our lives have been enriched by knowing and loving this sweet family!!!

we love and miss you,

Jean Family!!!