Rattling Around My Brain…

2 Feb

So, lately I haven’t had much to blog about.  Not that things are going bad, they are just going steady, so nothing too much to say.  So, to get a blog post in, I thought I’d just give you, my one reader — Hey Mojo!, a glimpse inside my wee little brain…

My Girly Girl is in the fifth grade and I already don’t understand most of her math homework….oh my!  We are in trouble!  What happens when she gets to Algebra?!

Button Boy has found a love of video games.  He has always liked them, but he and Mojo are playing World of WarCraft (or in our house “WoW”)…and I am telling you, if you didn’t interrupt Button Boy he would forget about eating, sleeping, and playing outside!

We are loving our new home, but I didn’t realize how many trees that lose leaves we have….now I do!  We have leaves everywhere…If you know of someone with a leaf blower, please let me know!  🙂

Button Boy went to the new Eosiniphilic Esophagitis clinic in Birmgham at Children’s Hospital on January 9.  The protocol there is going to a little different than the protocol we have been following.  Instead of having a biopsy/EGD every 3 months, we will be having it every 6 months!  Yipee!  Less anesthesia and less stress on my boy!  Currently his diet is only limited by nuts and fish.  He is back on everything else along with an inhaled steroid that he swallows down his throat to coat his esophagus.

One of my dear friends is expecting her first baby, and I can’t be more excited for her and her dear hubby!  Love you, Kimberly and Thad!!!

Girly Girl now has gymnastics 3 times a week!  Friday nights are the worst, though….she goes from 4 – 7 and is absolultely pooped when she gets home!  But boy, it ruins a fun Friday night out for the rest of us, but we will survive…maybe we officially call Friday night “Mexican Night” since she doesn’t like Mexican food!

Speaking of gymnastics…Girly Girl and I have season tickets to Auburn gymnastics again this year….so far we have seen great meets against Georgia (we lost by 1.0 point) and the defending National Champions Alabama (we lost by .075 points).  Auburn is ranked 13th and so far is having a terrific season!  We compete against Florida in February…we are actually taking a friend of ours, who is a huge Florida fan, with us!  Should be fun!!!!

I guess you can see what is up in my life…my kids!  They are such a blessing to me and I am thankful that Mojo and I are lucky enough to be their parents….boy, I didn’t mean for this to get sappy…, but sometimes that happens!

One Response to “Rattling Around My Brain…”

  1. Maurice Jones February 3, 2012 at 3:32 pm #

    I read it!!!!

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