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Girly Girl and her Uncle Dave…

3 Dec

Girly Girl and button boy met Uncle Dave just once….but it made a lastining impression on him.  The next Christmas he sent them some of his favorite book from when he was a child!  The kids loved them!

Now when the anniversary  of his death rolls around we get out some of the books to encourage the kiddos to read them….and they are now getting to where they can!

We miss you Uncle Dave!!!! 

What do you do on the Friday after Thanksgiving?

24 Nov

Iron Bowl

…we watch FOOTBALL!  The best football in the land, as a matter of fact!  No matter how the two teams season have gone, we take our football in the state of Alabama very seriously!


& Happy Thanksgiving!

EmmyJMommy & E @ AU Gymnastics meet





Reflections on Our Week at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

4 Sep
Now that we are at the end of our week, I think I am emotionally stable enough to actually get the words to come out correctly….maybe. 
We began our week early Monday morning. Button Boy was unable to have solid food after 2am and no clear liquids after 8am. So, he was not able to really have anything all day Monday. I’ll get to his procedures in a few paragraphs… 

We arrived at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital about 30 minutes early for Button Boy’s appointment with the GI Specialist that is one of the foremost doctors studying Eosinphillic Esophagitis. As we were waiting for the clinic to open, Dr. Shehzad Saeed, Harris’ GI doctor from Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama, walked through the lobby and stayed with us most of the morning to help Harris relax — and, I hope, because he feels an attachment to our family. We met with Dr. Franciosi, and he went over what the week would/should look like. He asked a lot of questions…and decided that Button Boy would need to stay in the hospital overnight Monday because he was having an “impedence probe” placed, and they needed to be able to monitor his ins & outs. 

Button Boy tends to be very anxious when we are in the doctor’s office, I know that is typical for some children, but Button Boy refuses to make eye contact, talk, and usually hides behind me. We have learned that if he is going to relax then we have to explain what things are going to take place while we are in the doctor’s office. I don’t think Dr. Franciosi really understood that because Button Boy ended up pitching a fit when Dr. Franciosi made him lay down for a hemocult exam. He screamed and hollered…and is still talking about it! Traumatized for life, I’m sure! During the appointment with Dr. Franciosi, Dr. Saeed was there with us…he asked some questions to help get some clarified answers from Dr. Franciosi and he was there as moral support. It was amazingly overwhelming to realize how much research has been done, and is still going on compared to how little they know about EE. 

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital is not only a hospital that concentrates on Children’s health, but it also is a teaching hospital and a research hospital. We were approached by two different Research Coordinators regarding some research that is being done during the stay with the CCED clinic. The first young lady that came and talked to us was right after the appointment with Dr. Franciosi. Her study has to do with genetics and EE. Button Boy had a few more biopsies done and a little extra blood taken after he was sedated for his EGD. The family (me, Mojo, Girly Girl, Grandmommy & Granddaddy) took part in a portion of the genetics study…we had to SPIT in a small cup. They retrieve DNA from the SPIT and are able to put the information they get from the study in a group to compare how genetics plays a role in EE. It is very interesting to know that just some SPIT will help them determine some avenues of treatment. The second young lady met us on Thursday, so I will explain that when I recall Thursday and all it brought to our lives. 

Unlike Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, AL, we were able to go all the way into the operation room. He was extremely worried prior to the EGD and we had asked for him to receive some Versed to help him relax. Instead of getting the Versed, though, the Nurse Anethesist let us know that we could walk with him into the operation room and give him a big ole kiss while he was being put to sleep. When he was told that, his attitude changed completely! He was more relaxed and as ready as anyone can be before they go into a surgical procedure! 

The night in the hospital went okay. Button Boy did not talk a lot because of the tube going through his nose and being anchored into his stomach. He would tell you it is not fun, but not too painful, just irritating. So, that day we just sat in the hospital room watching cartoons and trying to get him to drink so they could take out his I.V. When they were finally able to take out the I.V. we walked around a little bit and found a movie or two to watch. Girly Girl, Grandmommy & Granddaddy came by to say hello before they went to eat and back to the hotel for Girly Girl to swim. Mojo decided that he would leave me with Button Boy, and he would hang out with Girly Girl. The next morning he was scheduled for his allergy testing. The probe was pulled out and we had to put Harris in a wheelchair for the rest of the day. 

At the allergy testing they did 75 skin pricks. Button Boy *really* did not like having these done. They were not as bad as shots, but they do have to get the allergens under the skin, so they do prick it a little. After waiting for 20 minutes or so, the Allergist, Dr. Abonia, came in to read them….evert single spot that the test was given showed a negative read. That means according to the skin pricks, his reaction did not show any red places that were elevated and itchy to compare to the histamine response that was placed last. So, take away from this part — no food allergies! 

After finishing the prick test, he was given a patch test. The patch test contained little “wells” that had a puree or liquid type of the allergy. The only things that were not tested were lamb (they were out of the paste for it), shrimp, chocolate and cinnamon. In the past, the cinnamon was his highest allergen. Button Boy had to wear the patches from Tuesday at 1:30 (EDT) until Thursday at 1:30 (EDT). The tape that they put the patch wells on with just tears Button Boy’s skin to pieces. He isn’t allergic to it, but it pulls at least one or two layers of skin….and he cries and cries…i don’t blame him, though….it is frustrating to have things like that done to a little guy that has been through so much….and knows what will probably happen…. 

Tuesday was a long day. After the patch testing and getting released — we decided to take Button Boy and Girly Girl to a Cincinnati Reds game. Mojo and I love baseball, even though we don’t get to go as much as we would like. This past Christmas, we gave Mojo a six pack of season tickets to the Montgomery Biscuits, and he has been taking the kiddos with him and they will actually sit and watch the game! So, it was no surprise to us that they *really* enjoyed the game! The Reds have a new hot-shot relief pitcher named Chapman. He has been all the talk around baseball over the last week. He was clocked throwing a 105 mph pitch at his Triple A club….Tuesday night, we saw him pitch a 103 mph ball! It was wild! He also has a great “change up” that averages about 88 mph. So far he has an arsenal that no one is able to master — yet. 


Beginning of the trip to CCED

28 Aug

Today we have begun our trip to Cincinnati CCED clinic for Button Boy’s out patient tests and discussions, and Friday, if everything goes well, he will be a free boy!

After leaving Montgomery, we headed to Nashville for the first “leg” of this long trip!  My roommate, Ch-narla, and her dh live in Nashville with their new baby boy, well, he isn’t that new — he’ll be 1 on August 30!!!   Happy Birthday sweet 1 year old!!!

As we celebrated baby CJ, I got to catch up on good times!  Chrissy, ‘Manda, Brandi…..My sweet friends!  Ch-narla had the great gift of having me as her first roommate at Troy State University.  The second year, Chrissy became my rock and roommate!  ‘Manda and Ch-narla met when we were all Juniors in college (I think that is right, but it may not be!)  Brandi, well, I just kind of adopted her on my own.  CJ & Chrissy know her from working in politics in Florida. 

I love these girls so much! My life has been filled with so much love and loss (just sad b/c I don’t get to see them as often as I want to) in anticipation of our reunion!

'Manda, Chrissy, Em, Ch-narla, Brandi


11 Jul

You would think that from the post title that I was going to be writing about my BFFs, or Girly Girl’s BFFs, or Button Boy’s BFFs.  But that is not the case.  I am just going to attach a picture that I took last night at my parent’s home.  My Uncle Bill and Aunt Jane came into town to see their new grandbaby, Avery Jane.  After dinner, this is where we found my dad and Uncle Bill.