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Auburn VIP Tiger of the MEET!!

26 Jan

Girly Girl was chosen as the VIP Tiger of the Meet, sponsored by Academy Sports & Outdoor, for the first Auburn Gymnastics meet.  She had a blast, and was allowed to take Tom Boy Girl and Drama Girl on the floor with her.  It was such a special time, and I didn’t even have my camera!  BFF E did, though…so I did get some pictures!

Auburn Marketing just finished uploading her video to YouTube, and to top it off, they put it to “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus (it is Girly Girl’s favorite song!)….so, go…watch….cheer…


–and as soon as Mojo gets me some video and pics from the Championship Celebration, I’ll get them posted!

The 2010 Coaches Trophy

15 Jan


11 Jan






2011 Auburn Gymnastics has Begun!

9 Jan

Auburn had their first gymnastics meet for the 2011 Collegiate season this past Friday night.  We were not present *only* because it was out of town at Iowa State.  Beginning the season, Auburn was ranked No. 13 and Iowa State was ranked No. 22, but as with other sports, home “field” advantage makes a difference in these meets.  Auburn lost the meet by less than 1 point.

BFF's E & E @ Toomer's!

BFF's E & E

Girly Girl and I have our season tickets ready for the home meets.  Once again, we will be going with my BFF “E” and her two daughters, Tom Boy Girl and Drama Girl.  We will also be spending some of the season with one of my sisters, KB and my sweet niece Squirrel Girl!  We love Auburn….football, basketball, gymnastics, swimming, baseball…you name it….we love it!

With that being said…tomorrow is the most important day in Auburn football since 1957….our chance at a National Championship.  We will be watching with BFF “E” and her girls (and we hope her Alabama fan dh, J&P) and we will probably be dining on Fried “Duck” and some snacks and sweets!

4 1/2 Days to Go!!!!

6 Jan

I am so excited about Monday night!  I know that you two that are reading this are not amazed that my Auburn Crazy family is excited about an Auburn Football game…especially one that has National Championship in the title!!!

Button Boy and Mojo are also 6 pack SEC Basketball ticket holders again this season.  So, Saturday night is game number 2 for them at the new Auburn Arena!  They are also excited about the giveaway for the first 1,000 fans!  They are leaving for Auburn extra early to make sure they get there to be in that first 1,000 crowd!

It has been loads of fun to watch Cam Newton play this season.  It reminds me of the days of Bo Jackson at Auburn and Siran Stacy at Alabama (they are both still my favorite players — yes, I had a favorite player at Alabama!)….I could even say Payton Manning at Tennessee (even though I refuse to cheer for TN!), Danny Wuerfel at Florida (ditto on the refusing to cheer), and Warrick Dunn at Florida State (I was at Florida State while he was there!)….there are some terrific players from the past years, but Cam Newton has the potential to pass them all.  He is just plain fun to watch!  He loves what he is doing and you can see how happy he is every time he is on the field!

So, War Eagle!  Go Tigers!  Run it and Pass it, Cam!