Teach Them Diligently…

1 Jun


Tonight during our worship service, we had the wonderful opportunity to hear from our youngsters and what they have been learning the last 10 weeks in our M.I.T. time (discipleship training).  We have a new children’s curriculum developed by our church staff that has a different emphasis each M.I.T. quarter…this quarter G321’s curriculam was TAG catechisms.  Each child came home the first night of G321 with a ring of 22 catechism questions and answers, and space for signatures.  It was so much fun to see the children practice their catechisms and TAG adults and other children for signatures!!  Girly Girl quickly learned hers, but she had a head start since they are learning them at Cornerstone Classical Christian Academy…., but Button Boy!  OH MY!!  What a blessing to see that 5 year old (he was 4 when the quarter began) absorb the Word of God and be able to speak Biblical Truths…for him to ask questions and begin to understand answers and explanations!  It is absolutely amazing to see God work in children’s lives…to see them begin to have a foundation in trying to understand all God has given, all Christ sacrificed, and to (especially in Girly Girl) see a repentant heart begin to emerge….It absolutely makes me want to stand up and dance in celebration of what a great and wonderful God we worship!!!

If you would like some information on the catechisms we are using, you can look at a book by Dr. Tom Nettles, Teaching Truth, Training Hearts:  The Study of Catechisms in Baptist Life.  Chapter 5 is “A Catechism for Girls and Boys” and we are using it as a guide.

(example:  Who made you?  God made me….What else did God make?  God made all things….Why did God make you and all things?  For His own glory….How can you glorify God?  By loving Him and doing what He commands….Why ought you to glorify God?  Because He made me and takes care of me….)

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